Data protection

Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH
Füchtorferstr. 60, 48336 Sassenberg

Phone: +49 (0) 2583 9322 - 0


Managing Director
Thomas Scheffer

Register entry
Entry in the commercial register, HRB 8882

Register court

Münster Local Court

and is available to interested parties as an information portal on all aspects of crane and metal construction.

1. basic information
1.1 Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH takes the protection of your personal data seriously and adheres to the rules of the data protection laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Telemedia Act and the data protection regulations of the European Union (hereinafter: "data protection regulations").

1.2 Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH works together with IT specialists, management consultants and lawyers (hereinafter referred to as "Cooperation Partners") to create the individual order commissioned by you. Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH will pass on your personal data to any cooperation partners exclusively for the execution of the commissioned project and the initial contact with you.

1.3 Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH has obligated its employees and cooperation partners to comply with data protection regulations.

1.4 The following statement gives you an overview of how Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH guarantees this protection and what type of data is collected from you and for what purpose.

1.5 For all data protection questions and notifications, please contact the data protection officer of Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH at the e-mail address or by post at the above address of Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH.

2. personal data
The following data is collected and stored from you to create an offer and to contact you:

General data of prospective customers of Scheffer Group products:

and, if applicable, other product-related data (hereinafter referred to as "personal data").
The following data is collected and stored from you in order to create an individual cooperation agreement and to contact you:

General data of interested parties for cooperation:

and, if applicable, other order-related data (hereinafter referred to as "personal data").

3. purpose of collection, processing and use
3.1 The personal data is collected, processed and used by Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH and, if applicable, by cooperation partners exclusively for the following purposes:

- Contact to verify the data
- Preparation of an offer and order for the production of Scheffer products
- Possibly the preparation of a cooperation agreement with cooperation partners of Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH

3.2 The personal data will be stored and processed exclusively on servers in the European Union.

4. your rights
4.1 You have the possibility to revoke your consent for the future at any time by sending a corresponding message by post to the data protection officer of Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH or by electronic mail to

4.2 You also have the rights to information and deletion guaranteed by the Federal Data Protection Act. These rights can be exercised by sending a message by post or by e-mail to

4.3 You can also exercise your rights of access, rectification and erasure directly against the cooperation partners of Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH who you contact.

5 Duration of data use
5.1 The personal data will be deleted immediately and permanently if you withdraw your consent or if the purpose of the data use no longer applies.

5.2 Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH will immediately inform its cooperation partners of any revocation of consent declared to Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH. Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH has obliged its cooperation partners to delete the personal data immediately after becoming aware of the revocation.

5.3 Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH has also obliged its cooperation partners to inform Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH immediately of any revocation declared to the cooperation partner. Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH will immediately arrange for the deletion of the data from itself and any other cooperation partners after becoming aware of the declaration of revocation.

6. use of cookies
6.1 Some services on this website use cookies to provide you with a convenient and feature-rich online service and to verify your authorization to use the service.

6.2 Cookies are text files that contain information to identify returning visitors exclusively for the duration of their visit to the website. Cookies are stored on your computer's hard disk and do not cause any damage.

6.3 The cookies on the website contain personal data. Cookies save you from having to enter data multiple times, facilitate the transmission of specific content and help Scheffer Holding GmbH to identify particularly popular areas of the website. This enables Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH, among other things, to tailor the content of the website precisely to your needs.

6.4 Some cooperation partners of Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH may also place cookies on this website. Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH has no access to these cookies and cannot control them.

6.5 You have the option of deactivating the acceptance of cookies in your web browser. Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH accepts no responsibility for the use of cookies by cooperation partners.

7. Matomo Analytics
With your consent, we use the open source software Matomo to analyze and statistically evaluate the use of the website. Cookies are used for this purpose. The information obtained about website usage is transmitted exclusively to our servers and summarized in pseudonymous usage profiles. We use the data to evaluate the use of the website. The data collected is not passed on to third parties. Matomo Analytics collects and processes the following data: 1. cookies, 2. anonymized IP addresses by removing the last 2 bytes (i.e. instead of, 3. pseudo-anonymized location (based on the anonymized IP address, 4. date and time, 5. title of the page accessed, 6. URL of the page accessed, 7. URL of the previous page (if this is permitted), 8. screen resolution, 9. local time, 10. files that were clicked and downloaded, 11. external links, 12. duration of the page load, 13. country, region, city (with low accuracy due to IP address), 14. main language of the browser, 15. user agent of the browser, 16. interactions with forms (but not their content). 

The IP addresses are anonymized (IP masking) so that they cannot be assigned to individual users.

The data is processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR. In doing so, we are pursuing our legitimate interest in optimizing our website for our external presentation.

You can revoke your consent at any time by deleting the cookies in your browser or changing your data protection settings.

. Data security
Our legal data protection service provider uses appropriate technical and organizational procedures to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure and to ensure the accuracy of the data and the legitimate use of the data. Nevertheless, no electronic communication is completely secure. This means that all data and information that you voluntarily transmit to Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH could be obtained by third parties by means of unlawful data acquisition. Thomas Scheffer Holding GmbH cannot assume any responsibility or liability for the disclosure of information due to errors and/or unauthorized access during data transmission by third parties.

9. references and links
9.1 When calling up Internet pages to which reference is made on this website, you may be asked again for information such as name, address, e-mail address, browser properties, etc.. This privacy policy does not regulate the collection, disclosure or handling of personal data by third parties.

9.2 Third-party service providers may have different and separate provisions regarding the collection, processing and use of personal data. It is therefore advisable to inform yourself on the websites of third parties about their practices regarding the handling of personal data before entering personal data.